Outstanding Human Being

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May 27, 2022

Genuine Heroism

There are times when people’s actions in the face of true adversity make me realise what genuine heroism looks like. There is no greater example of this than Dame Deborah James or the “Bowelbabe” as she has become known.

Her courage, selflessness, and sheer determination to help others, irrespective of her own illness is inspirational. She is living her life with dignity, setting an example to everyone on how to demonstrate love for your family and care for others, even when she herself is facing end of life care; what an incredible woman.


Although she is still a young mother, she has set an example to her children that will remain with them, and guide them forever. Her bravery humbles everyone who meets her, and it is fantastic that she has been recognised through her award; Deborah is a very special person who represents everything good about humanity. As a nation we are rightly proud of her and it is fantastic that she has received her honour at a point where she can enjoy it with family around her. Sometimes we do get things right.


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