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May 4, 2020

There is no doubt that lockdown has been difficult for our society, constraining our freedom, preventing many of us from spending time with our loved ones and ultimately, stopping us from delivering the direct support and care upon which our family values are built. The challenges have been immense and are likely to remain that way for the foreseeable future. In light of all the negatives, we must search for positives because they will be there; identifying them will help us to come to terms with the enormous loss and seek to build a better, safer, more caring world. Many national characteristics for which we were famed around the world have actually been long lost; in our cities, how often do you pass a stranger in the street and bid them a hearty “Good morning”. How many of us would simply walk past if we saw an individual being attacked by a gang; I suspect very many of us, because it’s not our problem. Rather than open the door for a pensioner, many would simply push them out of the way, delivering a string of verbal, even physical abuse, should they be challenged. These, amongst numerous others, are the things that blight our society and I sincerely hope that this terrible virus that has cost so many lives, will force us to take a good, hard look at our values and principles.
I mentioned the lack of respect in which British people are held and perhaps trying to recover the standards that originally led to us to being seen as a global example might be a suitable legacy. Let’s face it, none of the things I have mentioned are anything more than polite, decent behaviour. I recognise, of course, that some of these things may be seen as politically incorrect; I have been that guy who opens a door for a lady only to receive a forceful retort saying “I don’t need a man to open the door for me”. What that individual had missed was the fact that I would have done the same for anyone!
I hope this hasn’t come across as a rant in any way, as that is not my style in any way. I simply want to see something of true value come from the tragic circumstances in which we are living. I believe there will be many good things but only if we think about them and implement them in the future. #bekindtoeachother


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