People attacking Ambulance crews has always struck me as utterly contemptuous and whilst a significant number of such attacks are driven by alcohol, many are just acts of thuggery committed by scumbags. Alcohol isn’t an excuse for such behaviour and I firmly believe that all attacks should be prosecuted, with no exceptions. However, when you consider what we have been through and are still dealing with, and the immense courage, dedication and selflessness of our Ambulance staff on the front line, these physical attacks are beyond belief. We must protect the crews who are often first to come into contact with infected people, they will rightly be scared enough without having to consider whether they will be attacked on their way to a shout or on arrival.
What we’re all those Thursday’s about, clapping and cheering these heroes, if we are then going to simply turn a blind eye to them being attacked by morons. This isn’t and will never be acceptable behaviour in a civilised country, so let’s take responsibility for dealing with it by raising the profile with Government at all levels, so that the necessary actions can be taken to protect these great public servants.