The High Street. The loss of the High Street to the internet giants will haunt us in time, unless we consider the enormous impact on our culture and way of life, and do something about it. Please take the time to consider this story of concern:
As we walk down our High Street and wonder just why
This way of life is about to die
Forever the place where everything you could get
Killed by that monster we call the internet
Our way of life will change forever
Unless we make a stand to keep it together
As children we knew it was the place for joy
The place you went to get yourself a toy
We hated the walk but we didn’t say
Because we knew if we got there we’d get our own way
As teens we’d head off down the street
In the hope that the love of our life we may possibly meet
In time it would happen, in a cafe, a shop or a store
Putting us together for evermore
Married with children it was still part of life
To head down the street, husband children and wife
As adults it was real family time, bringing us together in a special way
Despite arguments, tantrums and inevitable strife, it always ended in a special day
Our families enjoyed their time together on the street
Visiting the shops, restaurants and bars was a treat
You could spend as you wanted on food, drink or a toy
But it was being together that gave us the joy
As the future moves on the High Street seems doomed
Killed by e-commerce as laziness loomed
We couldn’t be bothered to stretch our legs and walk to town
We’d sit on our arse and let the High Street down
When it dies we’ll regret that day and what we failed to do
As the High Street disappears into history for me and you
Our grand kids will never know the excitement or joy
Of a walk down the street to find that special toy
A family trip that meant so much will be gone forever
When all that was needed was to support the High Street together